
2nd International Conference on Aerosols, Air Quality, and Climate Change (AAC-2022) over Himalayan region of Uttarakhand

Atmospheric aerosols are the solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. Most of these aerosol particles are produced by natural (wind-borne dust, sea spray, volcanic debris, biogenic aerosols) as well as anthropogenic (industrial emission, agricultural activities, fossil fuel combustion, waste and biomass burning) sources. Aerosols have a significant impact on regional to global climate and contribute to the change in air quality, cloud formation mechanism, atmospheric chemistry, greenhouse effect, and the Earth’s radiation budget. Aerosols can also affect human health by causing chronic respiratory diseases and asthma. During the last few decades, the anthropogenic emissions of aerosols have been increased significantly due to vehicular emission, urbanization and industrialization. Several national and international studies have reported the increased amount of air pollution over the Indo Gangetic Plain (IGP) regions and Brahmaputra valley regions of India. During winters, the whole northern part of India is facing heavy smog every year. It is caused by various factors including stubble burning, industrialization and vehicular emission in nearby regions and states. Recently, according to a World Health Organization survey, the air quality of Delhi is the worst of any major city in the world. Transportation of the atmospheric pollutants over the high altitude locations of the Himalayas with air masses from the southwest direction was also reported during the pre-monsoon and winter seasons. Which reaches all the way up to Nepal and Tibet through the valley regions? Affects the weather and climate conditions over the sensitive regions of the Himalaya. Apart from these increasing tourism activities, urbanization and events of forest fire majorly contribute as the local emission sources of aerosols in Uttarakhand.

In view of the above challenges, the Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) Srinagar - Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand is going to organize an International conference on "Aerosols, Air Quality, and Climate Change (AAC-2022) on Himalayan Region of Uttarakhand " in the Department of Physics, School of Science, HNBGU, Srinagar (Garhwal), India on 15-17 October 2022 for mitigating it through after interaction and adoption new techniques.

The main objectives of the conference the above mentioned conference are:

(i) Discussion on the categorization of possible aerosol sources, their characteristics and their impact on the weather and climatic conditions.

(ii) Discussion on the possible new active monitoring techniques, and innovative use of existing instrumentation to study new or established issues in aerosol science.

(iii) Development of a regulatory framework to study atmospheric aerosols and its climatic impact over the Himalayan region with the collaboration of different institutes and agencies gathered in the conference.

(iv) Discussion on the possible approach to develop the legislation and policy for air pollution control and mitigation with the involvement of government and responsible authorities.

In this conference, the total participant will be more than 500 including thirty from HNBGU, Srinagar and around fifty from National research organizations and universities (IITs, IISER, IITM, PRL, NPL, IMD, Bose Institute, JNU, BHU, and Indian Universities). Only key note speaker names are required.


Established under the U.P. State Universities Act (1973), then named as Garhwal University was founded in December 1973. It was rechristened in 1989 as Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University. Today this University is amongst the ten largest University of the country with 3 campuses and more than 180 affiliating colleges and institutes (both state run and self-financed). Since its inception, despite the limited resources and various geographical constraints, the University has charted a course of growth and development, to gain recognition as one of the better universities in India. As a mark of appreciation for its academic achievements, HNB Garhwal University was upgraded as a Central University under the Central Universities Act, 2009. The University is located at Srinagar (105 kms from Rishikesh) on the banks of river Alaknanda, one of the major tributaries of river Ganga. The serene environment presents a near perfect setting for intellectual pursuits.


Physics department was established in the year 1962 as one of the Science departments of Birla Government Degree College, Srinagar (Garhwal). This was upgraded to Post Graduate level in the year 1972. The department in Pauri and Tehri campus was established in 1972 and 1973 respectively with an undergraduate course in Physics. In 1992 post-graduate course was started with specialization in electronics at Pauri campus whereas it was started at Tehri campus in 1990. University took over the department of Physics as Centre for under graduate, Post graduate teaching and research activities in Physics. Research in Solid state Physics, Mathematical Physics and Spectroscopy began with the establishment of Garhwal University. The Department has been identified under DST-FIST programme for strengthening the research facilities and established a Computer Lab. Various research schemes under DST, UGC, MNES, UCOST etc. have been completed in the Department.

Faculty members of the department are actively engaged in research in the different fields namely (a) Condensed Matter Physics/Materials Science Experimental Studies preparation, characterization and measurements ferroelectric systems/Poly crystals, ultrasonic investigations of Polymers and liquids; Theoretical studies of dielectric and ferroelectric properties of crystals; Theoretical studies of high temperature superconductors; theoretical studies of thermal properties of ferroelectrics, (b) Fluorescence spectroscopy- energy transfer, Solar Photothermal and Photovoltaic devices, (c) Nuclear and Particle Physics/Astroparticle Physics- Theoretical studies of monopoles, Gauge theory, Supersymmetry and cosmology etc. and (d) Mathematical Physics- Theoretical studies and Simulation techniques (e) Atmospheric Physics and Space Science. The department is well equipped for research work with instruments like Fluorescence Spectro Photometer (Perkin Elmer), UV and Visible Spectroscope (Perkin Elmer), Ultrasonic interferometer, High Temperature Furnace, Mossbauer Effect, Sulphur dioxide analyser, Automatic weather station and Gamma ray spectrometer.


The conference will offer three days of plenary lectures, contributed papers in the form of platform and poster presentations and exhibition of different products and systems related to aerosol science and technology and allied areas.


The conference will focus on the latest developments in air quality and aerosol science as well as the insights that the community has gained in recent years with regard to the impacts of aerosols on human health and climate change, including the following broad areas:

► Advancement in Basic, Applied Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences & Humanities (Multidisplinary - All Streams)

Sub topics: (i) Nuclear, Radioactive aerosols, Nano-aerosols and Material Synthesis (ii)Basic scientific research (ii) Fundamental, investigative research, theoretical or experimental, to advance knowledge without a specifically envisaged practical applications (iii) Critically thinking about issues confronting them and develop solutions that are informed not only by math, science and engineering, but by humanities and social sciences as well; to implement those solutions effectively within real social contexts; and to evaluate them in humanistic as well as technical terms. (iv) Problem-solving, innovation and development of products and processes.

► Physical and chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols

Sub topics: (i) Physical, chemical, and optical properties of ambient aerosols and its impacts on the ecosystem, human health and climate change; (ii) Formation and growth of particles from nanometer to micrometer dimensions in size, aging mechanism, classification and measurement of transport and deposition properties; (iii) Time-resolved investigations of the complex multiphase system and aerosol modeling; (iv) Study of life cycle of atmospheric aerosol particles, aerosol dynamics, nucleation and growth, aerosol filtration, interactions between aerosols and surfaces, agglomeration and fragmentation; (v) Aerosol-cloud interactions in-situ and laboratory measurements; (vi) Overview of the aerosol study in the Himalayan region Uttarakhand; (vii) Columnar optical depth and near-surface mass concentration of aerosols; (viii) Regional and global transport models and numerical modeling of basic aerosol processes; (ix) Roles of aerosols in cloud formation and radiative balance of Earth

► Optical and Radiative Characterization of atmospheric Aerosols

Sub topics: (i) Columnar optical depth and near-surface mass concentration of aerosols (ii) Role of air mass trajectories on aerosols

► Study of aerosols by various Remote Sensing Techniques

Sub topics: (i) Remote sensing via satellite, surface and airborne instrumentation measurements of aerosol (ii) Spatial and temporal coverage for validation of numerical models of aerosol production, dispersion and deposition (iii) Testing the fidelity of air quality, weather and climate models and (iv) Possibilities of the research through Aerosol remote sensing in Himalayan region Uttarakhand

► Impact of Aerosol on human Health

Sub topics: (i) Role of pollution in the air borne deceases i.e. asthma increase. (ii) Link between asthma and pollution (iii) Role play by the aerosols from the role play by the precursor gases near the traffic source.

► Impact of aerosol on Agriculture

Sub topics: (i) Emission of primary pollutants as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulates into the atmosphere. (ii) Effect of primary pollutants in urban areas close to the large point sources. (iii) Secondary pollutants include tropospheric (ground level) ozone, by subsequent chemical reactions in the atmosphere (iv) The reactions leading to ozone formation from primary pollutants by high temperature and light intensities.

► Impact of aerosols on climate over Himalayan region Sub topics: (i) Observations i.e. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization etc (iii) Biomass burning and BC/OC emission (iii) Aerosol radiative forcing during biomass burning period ( iv) its implications to Himalayan glaciers

► Aerosol System over High-Altitude Himalayas from observations and modeling and their possible effects of glaciers and radiation budget.

Sub topics: (i) Aerosol abundance over High altitudes Himalayas (ii) The large spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the aerosol properties and climate-impact assessment of aerosols (iii) Regional trends and discussion on the potential climate implications

► Role of Aerosols on Water-Energy Resources and Development of Hydropower in Uttarakhand

Sub topics: (i) Water Resources overview; (ii) Regional issues, potentials, availability, utilization & development of hydropower; (iii) Springs, glaciers, snow melting and water budgeting; (iv) Water management: rain water harvesting, water pollution, conservation, planning & polices; (v) Hydropower potential in Uttarakhand-opportunities & challenges.





04 - 06 NOVEMBER 2022





  1.  School of Education (Department of Naturopathy and Yoga, Department of Physical Education, Department of Education)


8053347946 (Dr. Anuja Rawat, Head, Department of Naturopathy and Yoga, HNBGU Srinagar)

9045057620 (Dr. Kiran Verma, Department of Naturopathy and Yoga, HNBGU Srinagar)

8171384451 (Dr. Hiralal Yadav, Department of Physical Education, HNBGU Srinagar)

9411472784 (Dr. Mukul Pant, Department of Physical Education, HNBGU Srinagar) 

9410900677 (Dr. Devendra Singh, Department of Education, HNBGU Srinagar) 


Theme1:  Environmental Consideration for Human Performance; New Age Challenges

Sub Themes: 

•           Acclimatization for better Sports performance

•           Impact of Air quality on cardio-respiratory endurance of Players 

•           Rehabilitation process and Environmental hazards

•           Scientific approach in prevention and cure of sports injuries.

•           Body Mechanics; Base for Human Performance

•           Scientific Principles for quality of Physical movements 

•           Fitness & Health Challenges in modern environment

•           Altitude and its significance on Physical Fitness & Sports Performance.


Theme2:  Relevance of environmental and climatic changes in propagation of traditional yoga (from mountain to modern Era)

Sub Theme:


  • Holistic modification through yoga for environmental and climatic changes 
  • Sportsman spirit and yogic practices 
  • Yoga for value-based education 
  • Yoga as a way of holistic living 
  • Conservation of ecology and environment change through yogic practices 
  • Aahtang yog and human transformation 
  • Yoga and yagyopathy for physical and mental health 
  • Yoga and stress management 
  • Mantra yoga and mental excellence 
  • Yoga for women and kids


Theme 3:  Global Sustainable educational goals for catering the needs and Challenges of 21st century. 

Theme 4:  Role of Global Sustainable educational goals to accommodate the needs and Challenges of 21st century.


  • Education as an agent of social change
  • National Education Policy of Education: 2020
  • Reimagining education in technically transforming world
  • Strengthening of education system by research, planning, policy making and training
  • Right to education as a Universal Human Right
  • Cosmopolitanism in education
  • Global integration of education
  • Education for global peace
  • Role of media and ecotourism in creating environmental awareness
  • Role of education in conservation of environment
  • Role of media and ecotourism in creating environmental awareness 
  • Role of Teachers in the context of special, integrated and inclusive education 
  • Education for Marginalized groups of society (women, Dalits & Tribals)
  • Education for health & well-being 
  • Equitable uses of resources for sustainable awareness 
  • Education in relation to modern values like-equity and equality and individual opportunity 
  • Social Justice and Dignity with special reference to Ambedkar
  • Institutional redressing sexual harassment and abuse
  • contemporary Issues- Liberalisation, Globalisation, Privatisation and Universal Elementary Education
  • Rashtriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)
  • Nationalism, Universalism and Secularism in Indian
  • Industry school linkage
  • Futures of Education initiative
  • Digital learning and transformation
  • School violence and bullying
  • Girls' and women's education in science and technology
  • Education about the Holocaust and genocide







8765109702: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Chaturvedi, Department of Law

H.N.B.Garhwal Central university Srinagar Garhwal 


Theme 5- Technology, Innovation and IPR Regime: An Analysis of Laws, regulations and Implementation mechanism




  • Diagnostic Technology and Patenting


  • Agriculture and Law: Seed Patenting


  • IPR and Indegenous People


  • Intellectual Property and Climate change linkage


  • Genetically Modified Organism and Environment


  • Implication of Product Patenting on Health System : Post COVID 19


  • Software Patenting: Implication for Developing Nation


  • Product and Process Patenting






9557797597 : Dr. Rahul K. Singh, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, HNBGU


9411072113 : Dr. Vineet K. Maurya, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, HNBGU


Theme 6: 

Bioaerosols and Human health Bioaerosols are the aerosols containing biological materials like microbes and their metabolites, present universally in the environment. Presently, the scientists are focusing on identification, quantification, and distribution of bioaerosols as well as their health impacts. Therefore, the articles are invited on the related themes.




9410024655: Dr Ashutosh Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit HNB Garhwal University Srinagar Garhwal-246174


Theme 7: 

Sanskrit  Sahitya me Vayu tattva (Air element in Sanskrit Literature),Sanskrit Sahitya me Himalyayiya Paryawaran (Himalyaan environment in Sanskrit Literature), Hindi Sahitya me Vayu tattva (Air element in Hindi Literature), Hindi  Sahitya me Himalyiya Paryavaran (Himalyaan environment in Hindi Literature), (Air element in English Literature, Air element in Indian tradition art, Air element in performing art and theatre, Himalyaan flora and   fauna, Himalyaan food tradition and it's   role in protecting Himalyaan environment, Himalyaan tourism and it's impact  on society, Himalyaan pilgrimage and it's role to protect Himalyaan environment, Importance of Himalya in Indian  society etc.




09412079426 : Prof. R.S. Negi, Head, Department of Rural Technology,

HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Chauras Campus 

Theme 9:

1. Advancement in Agriculture and Allied Sciences 

2. Impact of aerosol on agriculture


Sub theme: Impact of Climate change on Agriculture/Horticulture Crops/ Forestry and Agro forestry System (Natural Resources and Watershed Management, Mushroom, Beekeeping and Aromatic and Medicinal Plant).




09450082298 : Dr Brijesh Gangil, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering Chauras Campus 

Theme 10: Advancements in Mechanical, Computer Science and Engineering, Instrumentation, Information, Electronics and Communication Engineering  




9997138763: Dr Alok Sagar Gautam, Department of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar 

Themes 11: 

(i) Nuclear, Radioactive aerosols, Nano-aerosols and Material Synthesis (ii)Basic scientific research (ii) Fundamental, investigative research, theoretical or experimental, to advance knowledge without a specifically envisaged practical applications (iii) Critically thinking about issues confronting them and develop solutions that are informed not only by math, science and

engineering, but by humanities and social sciences as well; to implement those solutions effectively within real social contexts; and to evaluate them in humanistic as well as technical terms. (iv) Problem-solving, innovation and development of products and processes.


  • Physical and chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols


Sub topics:- (i) Physical, chemical, and optical properties of ambient aerosols and its impacts on the ecosystem, human health and climate change; (ii) Formation and growth of particles from nanometre to micrometer dimensions in size, aging mechanism, classification and measurement of transport and deposition properties; (iii) Time-resolved investigations of the complex multiphase system and aerosol modeling; (iv) Study of life cycle of atmospheric aerosol particles, aerosol dynamics, nucleation and growth, aerosol filtration, interactions between aerosols and surfaces, agglomeration and fragmentation; (v) Aerosol-cloud interactions in-situ and laboratory measurements; (vi) Overview of the aerosol study in the Himalayan region Uttarakhand; (vii) Columnar optical depth and near-surface mass concentration of aerosols; (viii) Regional and global transport models and numerical modeling of basic aerosol processes; (ix) Roles of aerosols in cloud formation and radiative balance of Earth;


  • Optical and Radiative Characterization of atmospheric Aerosols

Sub topics: (i) Columnar optical depth and near-surface mass concentration of aerosols (ii) Role of air mass trajectories on aerosols


  • Study of aerosols by various Remote Sensing Techniques

Sub topics: (i) Remote sensing via satellite, surface and airborne instrumentation measurements of aerosol (ii) Spatial and temporal coverage for validation of numerical models of aerosol production, dispersion and deposition (iii) Testing the fidelity of air quality, weather and climate models and (iv) Possibilities of the research through Aerosol remote sensing in Himalayan region Uttarakhand


  • Impact of Aerosol on human Health


Sub topics: (i) Role of pollution in the air borne deceases i.e asthma increase. (ii) Link between asthma and pollution (iii) Role play by the aerosols from the role play by the precursor gases near the traffic source.


  • Impact of aerosols on climate over Himalayan region

(i) Observations i.e Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization etc (iii) Biomass burning and BC/OC emission (iii) Aerosol radiative forcing during biomass burning period (iv) its implications to Himalayan glaciers


  • Aerosol System over High-Altitude Himalayas from observations and modeling and their possible effects of glaciers and radiation budget.


(i) Aerosol abundance over High altitudes Himalayas (ii) The large spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the aerosol properties and climate-impact assessment of aerosols (iii) Regional trends and discussion on the potential climate implications


  • Role of Aerosols on Water-Energy Resources and Development of Hydropower in Uttarakhand


(i) Water Resources overview; (ii) Regional issues, potentials, availability, utilization & development of hydropower; (iii) Springs, glaciers, snowmelting and water budgeting; (iv) Water management: rain water harvesting, water pollution, conservation, planning & polices; (v) Hydropower potential in Uttarakhand- opportunities & challenges.






Prof. Annapurna Nautiyal
HNB Garhwal University

International & National Advisory Committee

Prof. Ajay K. Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA), Government of India
Prof. Thomas Wagner, Head, Satellite Remote Sensing, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz
Dr. Steffen Berlee, Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz
Dr. Rajan K. Chakrabarty, Department of EECE, Washington University
Shri K. N. Vyas, Secretary, DAE & Chairman, AEC
Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)
Dr. Philip K. Hopke, Bayard D. Clarkson Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Clarkson University
Dr. Srivari Chandrasekhar, Secretary, Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Prof. Sandeep Verma, FNA, Secretary, SERB, DST, Government of India
Dr. Maheswar Rupakheti, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany
Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General of Meteorology, IMD, Government of India
Dr. J. R. Bhatt, Adviser, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India
Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, Directorate, ICIMOD, Nepal
Dr. R. Krishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
Prof. Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, Chairman, UGC
Dr. Rajesh S. Gokhale, Director General, CSIR and Secretary DSIR
Dr. Kalachand Sain, Director, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
Dr. Amit Kumar Patra, Director, NARL
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Research Applications Laboratory, NCAR, USA
Shri S. Somanath, Chairman, Department of Space & ISRO, Government of India
Prof. Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit, Vice Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Prof. Surekha Dangwal , Vice Chancellor, Doon University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, Senior Adviser, Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Prof. Om Prakash Singh Negi, Vice Chancellor, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani
Dr. A. K. Shukla, Vice Chancellor, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, USN
Prof. J. P. Pachauri, Vice Chancellor, Himalayiya University, Fatehpur Tanda, Jeevanwala, Dehradun
Prof. Sunil Kumar Singh, Director, National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa
Prof. Sunil Nautiyal, Director, G. B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora
Dr. Ajit Kumar Mohanty, Director, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094
Dr. (Mrs.) B. K. Sapra, Head of Division, Head, RP&AD, 107, CT&CRS, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094
Prof. Durgesh Pant, Director General, Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology, Vigyan Dham, Vigyan Sadan Block, Dehradun 248007
Dr. R. P. Singh, Director, IIRS & CSSTEAP, ISRO, Department of Space, Government of India, Dehradun
Prof. Venugopal Achanta, Director, CSIR - National Physical Laboratory (NPL), India
Dr. S. Unnikrishnan Nair, Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), ISRO
Prof. Tariq Mansoor, Vice Chancellor, AMU Aligarh
Dr. Anil Bhardwaj, Director, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
Mr. Mirza Javed Beg, Director, NCPOR, Goa
Dr. A. K. Mitra, Head, NCMRWF, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Noida
Dr. K. Rajeev, Director, SPL
Dr. B. S. Nagendra Parashar, Vice Chancellor, Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Prof. D. Pallamraju, Chairman, Space & ASD, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

Advisory Committee

Dr. Rajeev Kumar Mehajan, Scientist, SERB, New Delhi
Prof. Bhanu Prakash Singh, Head, Department of Physics, AMU Aligarh
Prof. Bal Chandra Yadav, Head, Department of Physics, BBAU Lucknow
Dr. Fouran Singh, Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi, India
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mall, Dean & Head, IESD, Banaras Hindu University
Dr. A. K. Kamra, INSA, Senior Scientist, IITM Pune
Dr. Rajendra P. Joshi, CEO, RI Instruments and Innovation India, Haldwani, Uttarakhand
Prof. L. P. Purohit, Head, Department of Physics, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
Prof. Brajesh C. Choudhary, Head, Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi
Prof. H. C. Chandola, DSB Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital
Smt. Sandhya Venugopala, Additional Secretary, Department of Space, Antariksh Bhavan, Bengaluru
Prof. Varun Sheel, Planetary Science Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
Prof. Beer Pal Singh, Head, Department of Physics, CCSU, Meerut
Prof. Abhay Kumar Singh, Department of Physics, Institute of Science, BHU, Varanasi
Dr. D. P. Uniyal, Joint Director (I/c), USCST, Vigyan Dham, Vigyan Sadan Block, Dehradun
Prof. Dipankar Banerjee, Director, ARIES, Manora Peak, Nainital, Uttarakhand
Prof. M. P. S. Bisht, Director, USAC, Department of Information & Science Technology
Prof. Anita Rawat, Director, USERC, IST, Government of Uttarakhand
Dr. Siddharth Singh, CSIR, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
Dr. Mahesh Kumar RS, PAMC-Atmospheric Sciences, MES, Prithvi Bhavan, New Delhi
Dr. Jagvir Singh, Scientist, MES, Prithvi Bhavan, New Delhi
Dr. Nisha Mendiratta, Head, CCP, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India
Mrs. Richa Sharma, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, FCC
Mr. J. R. Bhatt, Scientist, CC, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Dr. R. K. Chaturvedi, RO (I/c), UPCB, Government of Uttarakhand
Dr. Piyoosh Rautela, Executive Director, DM & MC, Government of Uttarakhand
Dr. Debashish Mitra, Group Head, Department of MASD, ISRO, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Prof. Kusum Arunachalam, Head, Doon University, Dehradun
Dr. S. Suresh Babu, Head & Scientist SG, SPL, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram
Prof. Brijesh Kumar, School of Physical Sciences, JNU Delhi
Prof. Kedar Singh, School of Physical Sciences, JNU Delhi
Prof. Tridib Bandhopadhyay, SERI Kolkata
Prof. Tanmoy Rudra, CIU, New Delhi
Prof. Vijaya Nand Kala, Head, G. B. Pant IET, Pauri Garhwal
Prof. Satyanarayana, Vice Chancellor, Global University, Banglore

Technical Program Committee

Prof. T. C. Upadhyay, Convener, AAC-2022 & Head, Department of Physics, HNBGU
Prof. S. C. Bhatt, Co-Convener, Department of Physics, HNBGU
Dr. Suresh Tiwari, Co-Convener, IITM - New Delhi Branch, New Delhi
Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam, Organising Secretary (AAC-2022)
Prof. Manish Sharma, Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun
Dr. Rajiv Pandey, Senior Scientist, ICFRE, Dehradun
Dr.Narenda Singh, ARIES Nainital
Dr. U. C. Dumka, ARIES Nainital
Dr Vimlesh Pant, IIT Delhi
Dr. Vijay Kanawade, University of Hyderabad
Dr. Surendra Pratap Singh, GDC Mainpuri
Dr. Deewan Singh Bisht, IITM - New Delhi Branch, New Delhi
Dr. Atul Kumar Srivastava, IITM - New Delhi Branch, New Delhi
Dr. Kuldeep Baudhh, CUJ Ranchi
Dr. Ranjit Singh, Department of Chemistry, DBIC, Agra
Dr. S. P. Sati, Department of Environmental Science, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal
Prof. Balram Ambade, Department of Chemistry, NIT Jamshedpur
Dr. Vikram Singh, Director, IMD Dehradun
Dr. Divya Prakash, Department of Civil Engineering Branch, Purnima University
Dr. Charu Jhamaria, Department of Environmental Science, IIS University, Jaipur
Dr. Pargin Bangotra, Sharda University, Greater Noida
Dr. Ajay Kr. Srivastava, Department of Botany, St. Xavier's College, Ranchi
Dr. Subhash Chandra Pokhriyal, Government Post Graduate College, Ramnagar
Dr. Ashwani Kumar Dubey, Department of Zoology, Shri Krishna University
Dr. Yanglem Sharatchandra Khuman, IGNOU, New Delhi
Dr. Ankit Tandon, Department of Environmental Sciences, CU Himachal Pradesh
Dr. Shweta Yadav, Department of Environment Science, CU Jammu
Dr. Rajendra S. Dhaka, NMIPL, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi
Prof. Dibyendu Chakrabarty, PRL Ahmedabad
Dr. M.V. Sunil Krishna, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee
Dr. Narendra Ojha, PRL Ahmedabad
Dr. Rupesh Kumar, DBS (PG) College Dehradun
Dr. Shani Tiwari, Scientist, NIO Goa
Dr. Kavi Shankar Varshney, D. S. Degree College, Aligarh
Dr. Devesh Sharma, Head, Department of Atmospheric Science, CU Rajasthan
Prof. R. C. Paliwal, Principal, HVM PG College, Raisi, Haridwar
Prof. G. Hemalatha, Head, KITS Coimbatore
Dr. Sneha Gautam, KITS Coimbatore
Dr. Ajay Tripathi, Department of Physics, Sikkim University, Gangtok
Prof. Kalyan Bhuyan, Department of Physics, CAS, Dibrugarh University
Dr. Binita Pathak, Centre for Atmospheric Studies, Dibrugarh University
Dr. Om Prakash Nautiyal, Scientist & AFO, USERC Dehradun
Dr. Bhavtosh Sharma, Scientist, USERC Dehradun
Dr. Vijay Sridhar, Doon University, Dehradun
Dr. Ujjwal Kumar, Doon University, Dehradun
Dr. Himani Sharma, Department of Physics, Doon University, Dehradun
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, NCMRWF, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Noida
Dr. Navin Parihar, Associate Professor, EGRL, Tirunelveli
Dr. Azaz Ahmed Wani, Head, Deparment of Zoology, GDC Doda J&K
Dr. Nitu Yana, JSTR, Bhopal
Dr. Manvendra Singh Khatri, Department of Physics, NIT Srinagar
Prof. Archana Gupta, Department of Applied Physics, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Dr. Vikram Singh, Department of Physics, Agra College, Agra
Dr. A. K. Verma, Department of Zoology, Government PG College Syed Abad, Prayagraj
Dr. Sarvan Kumar, VBSPU, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh

Local Organizing Committee

Prof. S. C. Bhatt, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. T. C. Upadhyay, Convener and Head, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. R. C. Sundriyal, Department of Forestry & Director, IQAC, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof Atul Dhyani, Department of Commerce & President, IIC, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. R. K. Maikhuri, Department of Environmental Science, HNBGU, Srinagar
Prof. Rama Maikhuri, Head & Dean School of Education, HNBGU
Prof. A. K. Pandey, Head & Dean School of Education, HNBGU
Prof. J.S.Chauhan, Dean, School of Agriculture and Allied Science, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. Mridula Jugran, Dean, School of Arts, Communication and Languages, HNBGU
Prof. Y. P. Raiwani, Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. A. K. Dobriyal, Dean, School of Life Sciences, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. Kamla Chauhan, Head, Department of Sanskrit, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. C. M. Sharma, Head, Department of Botany & Microbiology, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. N. S.Panwar, Engineering and Technology
Prof. P. D. Semalty, SRT Campus, Badshahithaul Tehri
Prof. R. C.Ramola, SRT Campus, Badshahithaul Tehri
Prof. A. A. Baurai, Director, SRT Campus, Badshahithaul Tehri
Prof. S. C. Gairola, BGR Campus Pauri
Prof. Arun Rawat, BGR Campus Pauri
Prof. Piyush Sinha, BGR Campus, Pauri
Prof. H. C. Nainwal, Department of Geology, HNBGU Srinagar
Prof. R. S. Negi, Department of Rural Technology, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Manish Uniyal, BGR Campus, Pauri, HNBGU
Dr. Sunil Kumar, BGR Campus, Pauri
Prof. Hemwati Nandan, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU, Srinagar
Dr. Shubhra Kala, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Meera Rawat, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar (Organizing Secretary)
Dr. Anuja Rawat, Department of Naturopathy and Yoga, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Kiran Verma, Department of Naturopathy and Yoga, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Hiralal Yadav, Department of Physical Education, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Mukul Pant, Department of Physical Education, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Devendra Singh, Department of Education, HNBGU
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Chaturvedi, Department of Law, HNBGU
Dr. Rahul K. Singh, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, HNBGU
Dr. Vineet K. Maurya, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, HNBGU
Dr Ashutosh Gupta, Department of Sanskrit, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr Brijesh Gangil, Department of Mechanical Engineering Chauras Campus
Dr Santosh Rawat, Department of Rural Technology, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr Eshwar Negi, Department of Rural Technology, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Vivek Sharma, Dept. of Physics, HNBGU Srinagar
Dr. Dilip Kumar Meena, SRT Campus, HNBGU Srinagar
Mr Buddhi Ballabh Tripathi, Govt. PG College, Augustayamuni
Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Head, Dept. of Physics, SRT, New Tehri
Dr.Vijendra Lingwal, Dept. of Physics, Rishikesh
Dr. Tushar Kandari, Department of Physics, Govt. PG College, Gopeshwar
Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Department of Physics, Govt. PG College, New Tehri
Dr. Gurupad Singh Gusain, Department of Physics, Government PG College, New Tehri
Dr. Ajay Bahuguna, Department of Physics, Govt. PG College, New Tehri
Prof. Veena Joshi, Department of Chemistry, SRT Campus Badshahithaul, Tehri
Er. S. Tarafdar, Scientist E&SIC, Garhwal Regional Centre, G. B. Pant, Upper Bhaktiyana, Srinagar
Dr. Rahul Kaushik, Harsh Vidya Mandir PG College, Raisi, Haridwar
Dr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Rana, Department of Physics, GDC PG College
Dr. Kireet Semwal, G.B. Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri Garhwal
Dr. Indira Karakoti, Scientist, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
Dr. Dinesh Sati, Department of Physics, Govt. PG College, Gopeshwar
Dr. Sudipta Kandari, Department of Physics, Govt. PG College, Gopeshwar
Dr. Vinod Rawat, Govt. PG College, Dakpathar
Dr. Kunwar Singh, GDC PG College Doiwala
Dr. Aasheesh Raturi, Dolphin PG Institute of Biomedical & Natural Sciences, Dehradun
Dr. Arvind Kumar, GDC PG College, Uttarakashi
Dr. Ravi, GDC PG College, Kotdwar
Dr.Vandita Srivastava, Department of Physics, Kanahiya Lal, D.A.V. PG College, Roorkee
Dr. Alok Kandari, GDC PG College, Paithani
Dr Mahima, S M J N PG College, Haridwar
Dr. Pawan Singh, Himalayiya University, Doiwala, Dehradun
Dr. Poonam Semwal, Dept. of Physics, Doon University, Dehradun
Dr. Amar Deep, Dept. of Physics, Chinmaya Degree College, Haridwar
Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal Khan, Dept. of Physics, Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, J & K
Dr. Manyank Joshi, HNBGU Srinagar

Invited Speakers

Dr. K. Krishna Moorthy, CAOS, IISc, Bengaluru
Prof. R. Shankar, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Prof. S.N. Tripathi, IIT Kanpur
Dr. Devendraa Siingh, IITM Pune
Prof. Shams Parvej, Pt. Ravi Shukla University, Raipur
Dr. (Mrs.) B. K. Sapra, BARC, Mumbai
Prof. R. C. Ramola, SRT Campus, H.N.B. Garhwal University
Prof. A. L. Ramanathan, JNU Delhi
Prof. S. K. Sateesh, IISc Bengaluru
Prof. R. K. Ganjoo, University of Jammu
Prof. Manvendra Mukharjee, SINP, Calcutta
Prof. Devashish Chaudhary, IIT Kanpur
Dr. P. D. Safai, IITM Pune
Dr. Suresh Babu, VSSC Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. Rajiv Pan , ICFRE Dehradun

Dr. V. K. Soni, IMD Delhi
Dr. Neeraj Rastogi, PRL Ahmedabad
Dr. S. N.Singh, NPL Delhi
Dr. Pallavi Saxena, Department of Environmental Science, Hindu College, University of Delhi
Dr. Bartwal Kunwar Singh, RRCAT Indore
Dr. Abhijit Chaterjee, Bose Institute, Darjeeling
Dr. Filippo Giorgi, Head, Earth System Physics (ESP) Section, ICTP Italy
Dr. Fred Kucharski, ESP Section, ICTP Italy

Dr. Swagata Payra, Department of Physics, BIT Mesra
Dr. Sachin Ghude, IITM Pune
Dr. Ramesh Chandra, Department of Physics, DSB Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital
Prof. Neeraj Rastogi, PRL Ahmedabad
Prof. A. P. Dimri, School of Environmental Sciences, JNU Delhi
Prof. Bhola Ram Gurjar, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT, Roorkee

Dr. S. D. Pawar, IITM Pune
Dr. J. C. Kuniyal, G. B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora
Prof. Monojit Roy, Principal, Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, West Bengal
Prof. Gowhar Bashir Vakil, IT, Zakura Campus, University of Kashmir
Dr. Ravindra Nath Tiwari, Geo-Informatics, NIGMT, New Delhi
Dr. D. M. Lal, IITM Pune

Virtual Live




04 - 06 NOVEMBER 2022

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline October 15, 2022
Abstract Acceptance Notification October 20, 2022
Registration Deadline October 20, 2022
Conference Dates November 04 - 06, 2022

Note: Registration status for confirmation and Participant ID will be shared through E-mail. Registration is must prior to the abstract submission, for more, visit the Abstract Submission page.

Technical Exhibition

Technical Exhibition with a view to highlight the advancements made in the area of aerosol science and technology, it is planned to organize a technical exhibition along with the Conference. Equipment manufacturers, service providers, and related agencies are invited to participate. For more details to register : CLICK HERE


The AAC-2022 is inviting nominations under different awards categories, For more details: CLICK HERE


Click the following G-Form link to register: CLICK HERE

Registration deadline: October 20, 2022

Registration Fees

Participation Category Fees
For Academicians/Faculty/Scientist/Staff without Accommodation Indian Rs. 2000
For Academicians/Faculty/Scientist/Staff with Accommodation Indian Rs. 3500
For Research Scholar without Accommodation Indian Rs. 1500
For Research Scholar with Accommodation Indian Rs. 2500
For Students (UG/PG) without Accommodation Indian Rs. 1500
For Students (UG/PG) with Accommodation Indian Rs. 2000
Foreign Delegates USD 250

Fees Payment

Bank details for NEFT / ECS / NEFT: Transfer the registration fees using the below bank details and fill up this registration form. For any other information, please E-mail us to aachnbgu2018@gmail.com for the instructions.

Account Number: 3485101001985
Account Type: Saving Account
Accountholder's Name: NCAA 2018 FO HNBGU
Branch: Srinagar, Uttarakhand
Branch Address: CANARA BANK,
Agrawal Complex,
Gola Bazar, Srinagar,
Pin Code - 246174
MICR Code: 246015902
IFSC Code CNRB0003485

Registration Form

Click the following G-Form link to register: CLICK HERE

Poster Presentation

If you have opted "Poster Presentation" then please follow the poster size instructions mentioned in pdf document. Please choose any one out of three sizes given. Click the following link to download instructions for poster presentation and sized (pdf): CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Abstract Submission

Click the following Easy-Chair link to submit abstract: CLICK HERE or follow this link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aac2022

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline October 15, 2022
Abstract Acceptance Notification October 20, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline October 30, 2022

Call for Papers

Registration is must prior to the abstract submission. Interesred delegates/participants are requested to select 'Yes' for the Abstract Submission in Registration Form. A link for the abstract submission will be shared through E-mail. Delegates/Participants are requested to submit an extended abstract as per the format of abstract template through EasyChair or throught E-mail ID (aachnbgu2018@gmail.com) by September 1, 2022. Delegates/Participants are requested to write "Abstract for AAC-2022 - Participant ID" in subject line while sending the abstract by E-mail. The participant ID will be assigned after varification of the registration through E-mail. It is proposed to bring out proceedings of the conference. Acceptance notification will be communicated to Authors by October 1, 2022 with a request to submit the soft-copy of the final abstract in camera-ready by October 10, 2022. AAC-2022 will endeavor to give preference to Papers that deal with new advancements, applications and developments in the aforesaid areas of the Conference. All papers submitted for presentation in the Conference must be original and should not have been presented elsewhere. All papers will be subjected to review and decision will be conveyed to the authors accordingly. Selected conference papers will be published in International/National journels. Procedure to publish the research papers will be communicated later. Please check the Latest Updates on website regularly.

Abstract Template

Click the following link to download the abstract template: Click Here

Instructions For EasyChair Submission

Click the following link for the instructions to submit abstract through EasyChair: Click Here


There are many Hotels (including budget hotels) and Lodges are available at Srinagar, Garhwal. Click the following link to download the detailed information about the Hotels and Lodges available for Accommodation: Click Here

Apart from this, the AAC-2022 organising committee will also arrange shared accommodation at the Garhwal Mondal Vikas Nigam and University Guest House against a minimum payment on a first come first serve basis, interested Delegates may send their request to following E-mail: aachnbgu2018@gmail.com


Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam (Organising Secretary)
Department of Physics
H.N.B. Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar Garhwal - 246174, Uttarakhand
E-mail: aachnbgu2018@gmail.com, phyalok@gmail.com
Mobile : +919997138763, Phone: 01346-252331


Technical Exhibition with a view to highlight the advancements made in the area of aerosol science and technology, it is planned to organize a technical exhibition along with the Conference. Equipment manufacturers, service providers, and related agencies are invited to participate in the technical exhibition to highlight their products and services. Exhibition space of about 2.5 m x 2.5 m will be provided to each exhibitor. 

Those who interested may contact: Dr Alok Sagar Gautam, +91 9997138763 (Organising Secretary, AAC-2022)


  1. LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (Above 55 Years of Age)
  5. SENIOR SCIENTIST AWARD (Above 40 Years of Age)

Those interested to nominate the names for the awards may contact: 

Dr Alok Sagar Gautam, Mobile: +91 9997138763 (Organising Secretary, AAC-2022)



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
